Open the dropdown for any currently active website and choose from Block and Notify, Block, or Allow.

Select Safari in the menu bar ➙ Preferences (or use ⌘ + ,).Since Safari is quite dominant among Mac users, it’s good to know the ways you can control its pop up blocker, whether you’re looking for how to allow pop ups on Mac or how to stop pop ups on Mac. In this guide, we’ll cover how to allow pop ups in every major browser as well as some tips that will help you conquer the true evil - the never-ending wave of distractions. If you ask yourself, “How do I allow pop ups on Mac?” You’ve come to exactly the right place. Then you might wonder how to turn off pop up blocker on Mac. It could be a gateway to a public WiFi connection, a payment confirmation, or even an age verification input screen. But occasionally you might come across a website which life seemingly depends on you somehow interacting with its pop-up. In over 90% of cases, pop up blockers are doing a great job.