Inspite of all this foreboding, getting the divine couple was not easy. So He promised her that He would marry her in Kali Yuga as Venkateshwara. Lord Rama could not marry Her then because of His Eka Patni Vratam (one wife only). Padmavati was Vedavati (fake Sita) in the time of Lord Rama. After many prayers, the royal couple found a girl baby at the tip of the plough while cultivating the land. He did not have any progeny for a long time. The King Thondaman was born as Akasha Raja as predicted. So Krishna promised to fulfill Her wish in Kali Yuga as Lord Venkateshwara and Mother Yashoda was born as Vakula Devi to take care of Venkateshwara. In her previous birth, Mother Yashoda wanted to see Lord Krishna’s marriage to Rukmini but could not attend the wedding. The king’s sin will be nullified by giving away his daughter to Him.Īfterwards, He was being taken care by a lady named Vakula Devi who was none other than Mother Yashoda. The Lord said that in the next birth the king would be born as Akasha Raja and he would have a daughter whom He will marry. The king came to know this and asked the Lord for forgiveness. Blood came out of His head and as a result the cowherd died. The cowherd threw an axe toward the cow but the Lord intervened and took the blow Himself. The king found about it and became furious and told the cowherd to drive the useless cow away. During this time a cow belonging to the Chola king Thondaman started feeding the Lord by emptying her udders over the anthill. He did it for such a long time that an anthill grew on Him. So He too came down to Earth where He started doing penance. Lord Vishnu could not bear the separation of His consort Lakshmi. You have no respect for me or my feelings.” Thus saying She left Vikuntha and came to Earth to perform tapas.

You, instead of punishing him, are massaging his foot. She said to the Lord: “How come you never think of My feelings? You may not care for being kicked but he kicked the place where I reside and thus it is an insult to Me. But the Lord got up and started massaging Bhrigu’s foot saying that He was sorry that his Kaustubha diamond on His chest must have hurt his foot. She was stunned and was very angry that Her husband should be humiliated thus. Bhrigu became so angry at this perceived slight done to him that he kicked the Lord on his chest, the abode of Mother Lakshmi. Lord Vishnu was reposing at that time with Mother Lakshmi and was not quick enough to greet the rishi. Once upon a time the rishi Bhrigu went to Vikuntha, the abode of Sriman Narayana.